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The Importance of Time Management
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The Importance of Time Management

Written By Jennifer Walkup Published Date  March 23, 2018 When we talk about time management, we are referring to effectively

Written By Jennifer Walkup Published Date  March 23, 2018

When we talk about time management, we are referring to effectively managing time to make sure we spend the correct amount of time for each action.

Effective time management enables people to allot specific time slots in their schedule for tasks and activities according to their significance. Time management helps us make the best use of our time. In today’s world, with so many time constraints and commitments, time management is not only helpful, but also a necessity for many.

When managing your time, you should start by asking yourself which activity is most important and what amount of time you need to complete it. You will do this for each activity you need to complete, to figure out how to fit all your commitments and work into your busy week. By prioritizing your activities, you will know which to schedule first, and any activities that can be put off until later.

Time management is an important part of the workplace, as well as in our personal lives. Here are a few things to consider when thinking about your own time management plans:

1. Effective Planning

Time management not only helps you with your time, but also with your organization. When you have a list of things you need to do, you will have to decide what takes top priority.  High priority work should be put into your time management schedule first, followed by the items and tasks of next importance. You will continue this way, scheduling tasks in the order of most to least important and finishing pending tasks one by one. It is important to do the tasks in the order you have scheduled them, making sure to not start fresh work until you have completed the tasks in the order you planned https://www.purplepayday.loan. Check off tasks as you complete them, and make sure to complete each activity within the allotted time.

2. Defining Goals and Objectives

Working without objectives and goals in an organization is akin to a tourist losing his or her map in a foreign land. In order to get the most out of your time management efforts, make sure to stay focused and set concrete goals that are sensible and achievable. This is where staying organized and setting aside specific time slots can really help. If your goals are well-planned, they are much more likely to be achieved.

3. Setting Deadlines

Setting achievable deadlines for hard-to-finish tasks is the best way to ensure hitting your goals. Don’t wait for your manager to ask you about deadlines. Be proactive and take responsibility for your work. You are the best person to set your own deadlines. Take the time to think through what needs to be done and how much time it will take.  You may even want to use a planner to mark essential dates against the due dates.

4. Organizing Tasks

Organize assignments according to significance and urgency. Know the distinction between imperative and critical work. Recognize which tasks need to be done in a day’s work, which will need in a month’s work, and so on. The more vital the task, the sooner it should be done. Dividing and defining task categories, and organizing them according to their priorities will help you reach your goals and meet your deadlines

5. Delegation of Responsibilities

Figure out how to say no at work. Even if it is in your nature, know you can’t do everything by yourself. There are other people in your office that can also take on tasks and responsibilities.

6. Spending the Right Time on the Right Activities

In order to complete tasks in the most efficient timeframe, you will need to learn how to accurately gauge the time needed for each activity. . Taking time to think through and accurately plan this before beginning will help you best manage your time and keep you from mistakes such as wasting an entire day on something that can be done in an hour. Also, be sure to keep some time separate from your work-allotted time for personal needs.

Final tips on effectively managing time

Organized: Keep your desk organized. Keeping your workstation free of piles of paper and documents will help you with your time management. File and label important papers, and throw out what you don’t need. A clean desk helps you work well, and an organized filing system makes finding what you need easier and faster.

Focused: Staying engaged and focused will keep your focused on your time management. It is important to find a system that works for you and keeps you focused. Perhaps you’ll find various time management tools helpful such as organizers, planners, table top calendars or electronic calendars. Many people find using reminders on their cell phones and and computers can be very useful.

Don’t Waste Time: Make sure to stay away from time-wasting activities such as surfing the internet or spending too long talking with coworkers. Staying focused on your work will ensure you complete your assignments on time. Remember, your company isn’t paying you to play games or socialize.


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Sajid Khan

Sajid Khan is the President at MicroAgility and has over three decades of management and consulting experience. He leads the efforts in many projects including operational improvements, cost reduction, and managing growth. Sajid strives to help others succeed and to create opportunities that are sustainable and uplifting for humanity — always guided by the virtues of hard work, quality, and kindness

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