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Business Consulting in the Digital Era
Digital Strategy Execution

Business Consulting in the Digital Era

Technological advancements have reached every sphere of our lives, between social interactions, our downtime, and of course our business lives

Technological advancements have reached every sphere of our lives, between social interactions, our downtime, and of course our business lives as well. Social media, e-commerce and mobile technologies have changed many business practices. This is true across the board, and has affected consultancy businesses in many ways. Consultants are able to use technology to their advantage and for business growth by integrating new technology where they can, as well as fielding problem areas that the digital age brings. There are many ways consultancy businesses are directly affected in this new digital era.


Companies can effectively use the rise in digital communication to ensure they stay connected to their clients. They can do this in many ways such as building their brand through use of email, calls, video conferencing and even blogs. Branding is nothing new; all good companies know and use the importance of their corporate brand. But in the digital world, it becomes essential to maintain this branding across all platforms used to communicate with clients.

In consultancy business, segmenting markets in an important part of reaching potential clients. Technology can be a big factor when dissecting demographics of clients. For example, one of these demographics is age of clients. Not only can market segmenting help consultants find their best audience, but it can also help the consultancy business reach the best audience in the most appropriate way. For example, engaging with the Millennial generation has communication flexibility. Clients of this generation are often open to electronic communication such as texting and messaging. Clients nearing retirement age might not be as open to such methods of communication and may prefer phone calls to e-communication. In this way, segmenting your market and customer base can greatly help you retain and maintain clients. The digital marketplace opens up many communication options to help you with reaching the various aspects of your markets.

There are others perks that come with the digital era such as being able to reach a wider clientele worldwide, increased marketing opportunities, and the ability to offer improved customer service with prompt feedback, as well as the ability to run the business from anywhere.

The downsides of the digital era should not be ignored. Some of these include lack of trust from clients, duplication of services, and changes in customer behavior and expectations. As long as a consultancy business is aware of the challenges of the digital era, they can plan ahead and work smart to make doing businesses in this evolving time a success.

Changing With the Times

Consultancy businesses should work with digital strategy consultants to ensure they remain competitive while effectively dealing with the challenges the digital era brings. This will help them stay cognizant of consumer behavior and expectations, as well as staying in tune with the ever-evolving changes in technology.

When consultancy businesses understand and appreciate the importance of the changes in the digital era, they can use the technological advancements to help their businesses succeed. The consultancy market is a unique market, helping clients restructure to fit market needs, leading clients to increased performance, offering business leadership and empowerment options, and sealing loopholes in service delivery. However, while consultancy businesses are affecting great change with the clients they serve, it is important that they look inward as well, to make sure they are keeping up with technology and using it to best serve their clients and markets.

Many new consultancy services have emerged in the digital era such as those associated with marketing, IT, finance and innovation. These businesses have become an integral part of how companies run and succeed in the evolving digital workplace.


The digital era’s inevitable changes have an effect across all businesses. As with any major market or business practice change, survivability has become a priority to many consultancy businesses in this time of digital change. To ensure business viability, adapting to the digital era is more important than ever. When a company adapts to current digital trends, they are able to better serve their client base and remain in the position to customize products and services to their target audience on their terms. But it’s not all about keeping up. The digital era also allows companies to identify new strategies for increased productivity as well as time and money-saving measures.

Entering the digital era can be overwhelming for companies as they struggle to adjust business practices and remain relevant. Systems can break down and clients can be distrustful of a company’s technological systems. As with any challenges, it is important to come up with strategies to navigate change in business practices in order to not just survive, but thrive in the new era. Such strategies might include keeping up with and adjusting to current trends in the digital era, identifying and addressing customer needs on any given project you are managing, and even restructuring your business or business practices.

Other practices companies might incorporate when embracing new technologies are doing market research on the best technologies for your company and markets and consulting with digital strategy experts before making any big decisions on major technological changes.

In order to have a competitive advantage over their competition, consultancy businesses should be informed about their competition’s approach. This will enable them to strategize and differentiate their services from their competitors. Planning is vital to ensuring survival in the digital era. Planning will help your business thrive.

The rise of digital-era technological advances has created opportunities and challenges in businesses worldwide. If consultancy companies take the time and effort to recognize the evolving role of technology and find the best ways to use its advantages and manages its challenges, they will be rewarded with growth and continued business success.

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Sajid Khan

Sajid Khan is the President at MicroAgility and has over three decades of management and consulting experience. He leads the efforts in many projects including operational improvements, cost reduction, and managing growth. Sajid strives to help others succeed and to create opportunities that are sustainable and uplifting for humanity — always guided by the virtues of hard work, quality, and kindness

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